Wikimaginot, le wiki de la ligne maginot


Fil ouvert par CDonnell ( 3 ) - Posté le 31/03/2023

I would be happy to become a paying member but there is no easy way to do so. It is very expensive and difficult to make a bank transfer. If you had Paypal or Venmo it would be much easier. Thanks.

Réponse de molvange ( 552 ) - Posté le 01/04/2023


Thanks a lot for your message.

Doing a bank transfer when you are not in the EU may indeed be quite expensive.

Wikimaginot does not have (yet ?) a Paypal account but you could do a payment to my personal account ( and I will do myself the transfer to wikimaginot.

First thing is to register to get a free account. I will then activate your membership as soon as I received the payment.

Let me know if you encounter any difficulty for the registration as we do not have (yet ?) an english version on line.


Michel (wikimaginot treasurer)

Réponse de CDonnell ( 3 ) - Posté le 01/04/2023

Hello Michel,

Thank you. This is a good solution. What is the membership cost?



Réponse de molvange ( 552 ) - Posté le 01/04/2023

Hi Clayton

19 Euros.



Réponse de CDonnell ( 3 ) - Posté le 01/04/2023

C'est fini Michel. Merci.

Let me know if there are any problems.



Réponse de molvange ( 552 ) - Posté le 02/04/2023
Dernière modification par molvange le 02/04/2023.
Hi Clayton

I received a transfer of 21,97 EUR.

I have activated your account CDonnell. I can see that there is also another account

Thanks so much for your subscription. You that you will enjoy all the documentation gathered on our website !

Kind regards


Réponse de Venca ( 19 ) - Posté le 23/05/2023

Hi, I would also like to become a member, can I request payment details by email? Thank you

Réponse de Pascal ( 6002 ) - Posté le 29/05/2023
Dernière modification par Pascal le 29/05/2023.

You will find all informations regarding the membership and payment methods on this page, unfortunaletely only in french. Use Google Transaltae to get it in your language.

The usual payment method is based on a swift bank transfer. The annual fee is 19 euros

Best regards, Pascal

Réponse de molvange ( 552 ) - Posté le 30/05/2023

Hi Venca

I understand that you are living in Czech Republic ?
If a bank transfer is not convenient for you, you can also send the money through Paypal on my account



Réponse de Venca ( 19 ) - Posté le 02/06/2023

Hi Pascal, I have made the payment, thank you

Hi Michel, yes I am from the Czech Republic, thank you for your willingness, I made a SEPA payment.


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