confusion des photos
Fil ouvert par Zvon
) - Posté le 23/08/2023
there is any confusion with my photos, which are from Caserne Colaud, Caserne Ste. Catherine and from Arsenal de Ste. Catherine.
Please cancel my photos and I'll upload them again with better notices.
Is it possible to make a separate page for Arsenal Ste. Catherine?
And is there any plan of Caserne Ste. Catherine with numbering of the buildings?
Best regards
Réponse de jolasjm
) - Posté le 24/08/2023
Dernière modification par jolasjm le 24/08/2023.
Hello Michal,
In fact this problem is more general on this page and not limited to your own pictures. I'll take some time to reshuffle all these pictures and reaffect the wrongly affected ones to their right page (Caserne Colaud).
Best regards
Réponse de Zvon
) - Posté le 24/08/2023
Hello Jean-Michel
OK, thanks. There are right labels for my photos of Arsenal:
50696 – Arsenal – Concierge et corps de garde (b)
50697 – Arsenal – À gauche bureaux (a), à l'arrière-plan hangar au matériel (i), à droite hangar au matériel (j)
50698 – Arsenal – À gauche ateliers (d), à droite hangar atelier (u)
50699 – Arsenal – Bureaux (a)
50700 – Arsenal – Hangar au matériel (j)
50701 – Arsenal – Hangar au matériel (j)
50702 – Arsenal – Bureaux (a)
50703 – Arsenal – Bureaux (a)
50704 – Arsenal – Bureaux (a)
50705 – Arsenal – Concierge et corps de garde (b)
Best regards
Réponse de jolasjm
) - Posté le 25/08/2023
Dernière modification par jolasjm le 25/08/2023.
Hello Michal,
Thanks for these labels. I didn't answer your other questions linked to Ste Catherine :
1 - The point on Arsenals is a good one. By default we considered in the case of Ste Catherine that this was integral part of the "casernement" itself. In fact, this is not completely true as both barrack and arsenal are belonging to two different arms (Infantry and Artillery) and are clearly separated by a wall on the field. Therefore it would make sense to separate them. The hiccup is that we don't have an "arsenal" category in our nomenclature. The only other "arsenal" which has been referenced is the Freney one in Maurienne and has been classified in "Dépot de munitions", which is not correct either as an arsenal is not an ammunition storage but rather a artillery equipment store. And creating a "arsenal" category for only two constructions is a bit like an overkill...
We will figure out amongst us how to sort this out in a pragmatic way. Probably "depot de munitions" is an acceptable way to qualify them.
2 - No, we don't have sketches or petit atlas kind of plans of this Ste Catherine (or "S", or Berwick" ...), apart the ones that can be seen on "inventaire du patrimoine", which are in low res.
More generally on this Ste Catherine issue :
In fact "Ste Catherine" is not the name of this particular barrack, but the general civil name given to the military area (casernes de Ste Catherine), based on the local name of the whole area. The official military names were : Caserne S (or quartier Berwick for it's Boulanger name) for the eastern group of barracks, which is currently wrongly named "Ste Catherine", Caserne Z ( or Quartier Colaud - Boulanger name) for the western barrack and "arsenal Ste Catherine" for the arsenal. I will rename accordingly the various pages.
Best regards
Réponse de Zvon
) - Posté le 27/08/2023
Dernière modification par Zvon le 27/08/2023.
Hello Jean-Michel
Thanks for your explanation. And do you know, what is area on the north from Caserne Z?
It’s right part of the photo 81970. And the photo 50690
I’ve some another repairs of the notices:
Caserne Z
50692, 50693, – it’s Entrée de Caserne S, not Caserne Z
Caserne S
81963 – À gauche Stand de tir
81966 – À droite Stand de tir
50674, 50675, 50676, 50677, 50678, 50679, 50680 – there are Caserne Z, not S
81965 – it’s Arsenal
81971 – Arsenal – Au centre Salle d’armes (s), à gauche hangar au matériel (o), à droite devant deux petits hangars pour matériel (p, r)
Best regards
Réponse de jolasjm
) - Posté le 28/08/2023
Dernière modification par jolasjm le 28/08/2023.
Hello Michal
The various mistakes have been corrected. Thanks for this double check.
With respect to the area which you have outlined : I've not seen so far any information on these two buildings. The check on the IGN historical pictures do however show that they were already there in 1939. The military nature of these buildings has nevertheless to be confirmed.
Best regards
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