Fil ouvert par Zvon
) - Posté le 17/09/2023
do you know, what is it? It's from Gentilini et Berthon.
Best regards
Réponse de Pascal
) - Posté le 18/09/2023
Dernière modification par Pascal le 18/09/2023.
Hello Zvon
This might be a manual washing machine (lessiveuse in french). Nor sure but it looks like those i was used to see years ago when i was a kid. You put a gas burner under it to heat the water.
Have you any other pictures of it ?
Best regards, Pascal
Réponse de Zvon
) - Posté le 18/09/2023
Hello Pascal,
there is only unique photo unfortunately and it's from 1989. Please see you on page of abri NO Fontvive - could you write any notice to this photo?
Best regards
Réponse de Pascal
) - Posté le 19/09/2023
Hello Zvon
I will add a notice to the picture. Thanks for your collaboration
Best regards, Pascal
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